Fake goods grandpa caught flogging knock-off Nike, Ugg and Jimmy Choo goods on Facebook

Anthony Robinson was caught selling fake versions of brands such as Jimmy Choo
A counterfeit goods trader has a possible jail term hanging over his head after he was caught with more than 600 items of "knock-off gear" in his home.
Grandad Anthony Robinson, 60, was investigated after an anonymous complaint about counterfeit goods being sold on Facebook.
The page advertised clothes, aftershave, perfume, handbags and shoes carrying brand names like Nike, Adidas, Dior, Chanel, Ugg, Jimmy Choo and Marc Jacobs.
"There were a number of posts of potential counterfeit goods," Andrew White, prosecuting for Redcar and Cleveland Council, told Teesside Crown Court.
"These were branded goods for sale at prices well below the legitimate retail price.
"There were numerous photographs of branded items. The descriptions included the size, price and a local delivery service for a small charge."
A fair trading officer bought a fake Mulberry handbag and purse for £25 from Robinson's home on West Road, Loftus.
Officers found a "substantial quantity" of clothing, footwear, perfume and fashion accessories in the home when they searched it on February 15 last year.
They discovered more than 600 bogus branded items in boxes and laid out on the floor in the dining room and conservatory.
Trader apologised and promised not to do it again
Robinson had discussed prices and ordered shipments on his phone via WhatsApp.
A total of £10,156 went into his bank account in 10 months, and he paid £8,325 to his supplier in two months.
He apologised, saying he knew it was wrong, would not do it again and stopped trading as soon as he was raided.
Robinson told investigators he knew the goods were counterfeit but thought it was all right to sell them as long as he did not claim they were genuine.
He said he bought them from Manchester and sold them to family and friends then to the wider community when word got around.
He said the business got out of hand and the only money he made from cash sales was reinvested in new stock.
Grandad-of-20 'never set out to deceive anybody'
Robinson admitted possessing and selling goods with false trade marks and transferring criminal property, his first conviction.
John Nixon, defending, said: "The defendant never set out to deceive anybody.
"He's a man of good character. He has got four grown-up children, 20 grandchildren, he's cared for one of the grandchildren since that child was two, now 18."
The judge said he was considering ordering Robinson to do unpaid work for the community as a "natural alternative" to prison.
But Mr Nixon said: "He's not fit for it, unfortunately. He's not a well man."
He told how Robinson had been in full-time work until a serious heart condition at the age of 49.
£2,000 apparent profit from 'knock-off gear'
Robinson since received sickness benefits, employment and support allowance and personal independence payments.
Judge Jonathan Carroll said it looked like Robinson made £2,000 profit from the "knock-off gear", and he wanted to see if he could pay it back.
He told Robinson: "I'm not going to sentence you today because frankly the range of options I have for you are pretty limited.
Judge: 'There's not a huge amount I can do'
"I could send you to prison. That wouldn't seem to achieve very much. And I'm not certain this case warrants it.
"It seems to me there's not a huge amount I can do realistically.
"But I can make that decision when I see what efforts you make to use your best endeavours to offer that £2,000 cash available to pay back."
Mr Nixon suggested a curfew, saying: "He manages his finances well but a fine would be very difficult for him and his family."
He deferred sentence until November 23, with a proceeds of crime hearing.
He added: "It's down to you.
"Either you find some legitimate money to make a significant contribution to paying back the money that you illegitimately made or I have to find something else to do with you, up to and including custody."
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